Incontinence products

December 2, 2021

Best Adult Diapers for Managing Fecal Incontinence

Fecal incontinence problems are very embarrassing and they can cause you to deal with tremendous problems with your dignity. Living with fecal incontinence doesn’t need to be a thing that is embarrassing.

July 25, 2018

Accidental Bowel Leakage (ABL) is Surprisingly Common Study Shows

ABL is unexpected, and happens at inconvenient times. For most it is not severe; in a study published in the journal Digestive Diseases and Sciences, it was reported that in the U.S., 7.4% of adult men and 6.9% of adult women suffer from minor fecal incontinence defined as staining underclothes or leaking or losing less than 2 teaspoons of stool.

July 23, 2018

New Seni Incontinence Products - Ideal for Familiy Caregivers

Many studies indicate caregivers report feeling high levels of stress about finding the right incontinence supplies for the loved one in their care. They find they are forced to purchase items from several different brands of incontinence supplies in a trial and error mode since no single brand offers everything they need.

July 21, 2018

5 Ways to Keep the Elderly Safe in Extreme Winter Weather

If you have a senior in your life, you may become extra concerned about their health and safety as the temperature takes a dip. The cold temperatures along with other weather issues like ice and snow as well as health concerns can pose a real risk for the elderly when extreme winter weather arrives.

July 19, 2018

Incontinence in the Elderly

Incontinence in the elderly is a fairly common problem. However, if you are someone who is experiencing incontinence or someone who is a caregiver for an elderly loved one it is crucial to understand that incontinence is not a normal part of aging.

July 17, 2018

How Tranquility diapers can make nights more comfortable while managing incontinence

One of the major challenges of managing incontinence is dealing with what happens at night. If the incontinence sufferer does not have adequate nighttime protection they often wake up in wet pajamas in a wet or soiled bed.

July 15, 2018

Why Tranquility Diapers Are The Best On The Market

Why are Tranquility diapers so great? They come with a number of absorbency levels to choose from and they offer maximum protection and comfort. This helps to makeTranquility one of the leaders for incontinence supplies.

July 13, 2018

Maintaining Independence with Tranquility Incontinence Products

When many people are first diagnosed with incontinence they feel embarrassed, overwhelmed, and often feel that they will have to become totally reliant on others in order to manage their incontinence.

July 13, 2018

Selecting Quality Tranquility Products

Chances are you or someone you know suffers from incontinence. However, because of the nature of the issue, many people are ashamed of their affliction. They see it as a burden to themselves and to others. There is a long list of products that Tranquility produces to help all the people who suffer from incontinence, but the most prevalent of these incontinence supplies is the adult diaper.

June 28, 2018

Using Attends Adult Diapers to Manage Your Type of Incontinence

Not all incontinence is the same which means that there will be different treatments and management strategies to use for each one. Learning about the different types of incontinence will help anyone who is dealing with incontinence or someone who is a caregiver for a loved one with incontinence to be able to more effectively manage the problem of incontinence. 

June 17, 2018

Attends Adult Diapers For Incontinence

With the help of adult diapers, you can live a normal life and overcome your incontinence issues. This article will describe how Attends adult diapers can be an active part of program to help overcome incontinence. When you have a medical condition, your ability to control your urination and bowel movements can be impacted.

June 16, 2018

Gain Freedom With Attends Adult Diapers

Attends adult diapers come in a range of high quality products that cater for users who experience varying levels of incontinence, ranging from light to severe.

June 15, 2018

Abena Adult Diapers-How You Can Manage Incontinence and be Ecologically

There are many different types of people who must deal with the problem of incontinence. This is in direct contradiction to the belief that the only people who have to manage incontinence are those who are old, ill, and bedridden.

June 14, 2018

Why Abena Adult Diapers Are the Environmentally Sound Incontinence Solution

With the problem of waste and the overcrowding of landfills, many people who are dealing with incontinence would like to know that they are using incontinence supplies that are not leaving a big carbon footprint.

May 15, 2018

Adult Diapers That Do Not Show Under Clothing

No one wants their adult diapers to show, but worse is springing a leak, or having it smell as though you are wearing a diaper. When looking for an adult diaper that can be word discreetly, consider how much absorbency you need, and look for options that provide maximum absorbency and odor control.

May 15, 2018

Tips for Decreasing the Instances of Developing Urinary Tract Infections While Using Adult Diapers to Manage Incontinence

If you do not properly cleanse your genitals after changing out your incontinence products, the urine can lead to very painful skin rashes along with other issues like a urinary tract infection. Many elderly individuals are not as diligent in changing out their incontinence products, which places them at risk for urinary tract infections.

May 14, 2018

Choosing Adult Plastic Pants

Because of the varying needs of those with incontinence it can be difficult to find the right incontinence product to meet their needs. Incontinence sufferers want to be able to use incontinence products that are both comfortable and discrete.

May 14, 2018

How to Conceal Your Adult Diapers When Out in Public

In the United States, an estimated 18 million people have daily urinary incontinence, and another 34 million feel the need to urinate with increasing urgency and frequency but manage to avoid accidents. One in four women have incontinence. And many elderly. This is a common problem, but that does not make it any less embarrassing to wear adult diapers out in public.

May 13, 2018

Adult Plastic Pants

With all the incontinence supplies on the market, how can you find one that will work right for you?

May 10, 2018

Best Way to Hide An Adult Diaper

Being able to get the protection needed without wearing a big bulky, obvious adult diaper can seem overwhelming. The CareGiver Partnership offers five tips for hiding adult diapers so that you can enjoy daily living without fear of potential embarrassment.

May 9, 2018

Etiquette for Disposing of Incontinence Products

In the past, managing this problem of bowel incontinence meant living in seclusion or wearing a bulky, embarrassing diaper in public. However, as new products are developed, many afflicted individuals are able to live active, normal lives while handling their problem with discretion, which includes the disposal of the used products.

May 9, 2018

What Are The Most Absorbent Urinary Incontinence Pads For Women?

The numbers and sizes of pads for urinary incontinence for women have grown tremendously. In the early days, Poise had only 2 sizes, now they have 11!  They keep getting bigger and bigger. The really big ones are called Ultimate pads and can be up to 16” long. The Poise pad line has absorbencies ranging from a pantiliner for incontinence to the Ultimate long size.

May 9, 2018

Prevention of Adult Diaper Rash

Whether you are dealing with incontinence yourself or you are a caregiver for someone who is dealing with incontinence, you can find that this problem has many different challenges. Unfortunately, one of the most common challenges is the occurrence of rash and other skin issues.

May 8, 2018

A Review of the Best Incontinence Products

If you are new to the world of incontinence products then reading a review can be a helpful guide to get you started. However, it should be noted that there is no substitute for actually trying out products and finding the right one to meet your needs or those of the person you are caring for.

May 7, 2018

Caregivers: Healthy Adult Diaper Changing Practices When Having Fecal Incontinence

There is a wide variety of adult incontinence products that can help you to deal with fecal or bowel incontinence if you are experiencing symptoms. Many people with this type of incontinence choose to use adult diapers for the highest level of protection while others find they are more comfortable using incontinence underwear with an incontinence pad that is specially made for fecal or bowel incontinence.

February 28, 2018

Value Options- XP Medical

Although we offer many other brands, these are some of our value options for incontinence products that will save you money while providing outstanding protection against leaks and odor.

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